I wish I could remember where I first encountered the words “abundance mindset.” They changed my heart. I do not think jealousy has been one of the sin plagues that lies heaviest on my heart at any point in my life, but I would absolutely be lying if I claimed it was a demon I did not tussle with from time to time. We all do, if we are honest. I have always known this is not from God. He does not desire us to nurture envy or jealousy. That is why this mindset shift struck my heart so much. An abundant mindset…what does that mean, practically?
I have been mulling over this concept for quite some time now and have truly begun to see the fruit of it in my mental health, daily life, and my soul. I know, my soul, I am so dramatic. But, for realzies, it is that big. My soul. Here is why: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male or female slave, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” Exodus 20:17 conveys one of the Lord’s commandments we have all heard a hundred times. We know it is not good. But, in a world of perfect feeds, curated images, photoshop, and distance, it is easy to forget that we are all carrying a cross. We all face challenges. That is where the abundance mindset begins for me.
In remembering that we all have challenges, it reminds me that we are all unique. God created us differently…every. single. one. of. us. He has a plan, vision, and path that is tailored to our gifts and personality in Him. What this means to me is that my brother or sister can excel, soar, do great good, and so can I. Jealousy has no place in my heart when the Creator has made a plan just for me.
Sisters, there is ENOUGH. There is enough love. There is enough grace. There is enough forgiveness. There is enough success. There is enough beauty. There is enough kindness. There is enough joy. There is enough laughter. There is enough possibility. There are enough second and third chances. There is enough hope. There is enough self-control. There is enough opportunity. There is enough love, oh man, is there enough. There is enough.
So, I chose to allow this plan my Jesus made just for me to be enough. I am on my own journey. All that is left is for me to embrace it: to live it. And to celebrate when my neighbor hits a high on their journey! That is what the abundance mindset is. Reminding yourself that there is enough. For me, it entails a lot of reminding to my fickle heart that there is enough for everyone. Jesus never runs dry. His love keeps going and He has plans for my welfare, not for my woe (Jeremiah 29:11). He has enough for all my brothers and sisters and for me. My abundance mindset requires that I remind myself that my plan is important to Him. Each plan is. And He has it covered.
Here are my top 5 tips for cultivating an abundance mindset:
1. Memorize Jeremiah 29:11. Allow it to be a vehicle of stability and encouragement when you lose sight of the plan God is working on your behalf. Repeat it in your head every time you have a moment where you see something that provokes envy.
2. Thank Jesus for the blessings He gives those around you. Immediately. Do not dwell on the jealous thought, rewrite it into gratitude.
3. Reflect often. Set aside time once a month to identify where Jesus has moved in your heart and life. No change is to small. Celebrate it!
4. Grind hard. Do not think that God’s plan is not going to require hard work. Plan out your time. If things do not go perfectly, that is alright, but they certainly will not go anywhere if you do not start or try to plan.
5. Keep your priorities in check. Do not allow things to monopolize your time and energy. Make a list of your top 5 and 10 things that matter to you. Check new desires against these lists and ask if this is serving your Jesus goals or just your pride.